Memorial day weekend 2021 is now behind us and for some reason I am feeling more patriotic than ever. I am typically one of the most USA loving, patriotic, loyal folks you'll ever meet, and let me say as a disclaimer that I am not offended by the term "America First" nor by the term "Keep America Great'. With close members of my family having served in the military and a niece and nephew who are currently serving, it is important to me to support the country I live and thrive in and the country my loved ones have committed to defend and support at all costs.
May 23rd of this year marked my 53rd birthday. I don't need many things in my life, I have a
comfortable home, a reliable vehicle, big yard, nice neighbors, etc.; so when someone asks me "what do you want for your birthday", I could be sarcastic and ask for 'World Peace' or term limits, but no - I ask for things like a table saw, or a gift card to Home Depot, practical things that I know I will use and enjoy. But this year was different - I wanted a Flag Pole. Not one of those four foot long poles that you attach to the side of your house or your fence and hang cute seasonal flags from, no, I asked for the cement in the ground, twenty five foot tall, American flag waving in the wind with the rope to lower and raise it, flat pole. The mac-daddy of all poles with the solar light on top to illuminate Old Glory in all her splendor!
I knew exactly what I wanted so I ordered it myself online and sat on pins and needles until it arrived at my door about 3 days later - damaged. I was so upset and disappointed. The end of the box was opened and the majestic gold ball that was suppose to go on the top of the pole and hold the solar light was missing. But that wasn't what upset me the most. On the side of the damaged box holding the now useless flag pole was typed in bold ink, 'Made in China'. Well, anyone who knows me can pretty much guess what I did next. I taped that box back up and sent
it back ! I just cannot fathom the thought of flying our American flag on anything other than a pole made in the USA, so I did a little research and ordered another kit, and THIS TIME I found a pole kit made in the USA - the EZ Pole flagpole company ( and I LOVE it ! To say I'm proud of my made in the USA flag and pole is an understatement, but alas, this blog is not to point out my obvious good deed nor is it meant to sell flag poles. You know that I am a wire rope gal, so let me try to shift this topic around to apply to my wheelhouse.
Wire Rope and rigging is all around us. I guess I notice it more because I deal with it on a daily basis, but these items are often overlooked and sometimes taken for granted, so much so that we sometimes forget where they come from. Knowing where your rigging comes from is almost as important as knowing how to properly use it. Our industry is being flooded with imported products, especially right now, and many times due to clever merchandising and inconspicuous markings, it is difficult to figure out where they were made. Every piece of rigging you use in the field should be properly marked or documented with the country of origin, and with markings that can be traced back to the manufacturing facility that made it. Shackles for instance should have a mark on one side with the tonnage, size, and manufacturers name or mark. They should also have a 3 letter/number combo code that is normally on the opposite side which can be traced back to the manufacturing facility that forged that item. The same goes for hooks and oblong master links. Wire rope slings and synthetic slings should be tagged with their ratings along with the manufacturer. It might be difficult for anyone who isn't familiar with the markings of wire rope and webbing to determine where they are made, so ask for certification papers on the wire rope and the webbing, even though the slings were made by a local rigging shop it doesn't necessarily mean the products they are using were made in the USA. Yes, there are some imported products out there that are of better quality than other imported products, but the point I am trying to make is making sure you realize how important it is to KNOW where the products come from. When bought a flag pole kit the first time, I just ASSUMED that it was an American flag, so it must be made in the USA, but I was wrong, because I didn't do my research. Once I realized my mistake I starting digging deeper and found the pole I have now. Do your research, ask questions, know where your products come from. It's important for many reasons, one being traceability. Ask the company you're purchasing them from - ask for certification, ask for country of origin, ask for proof ! If they cannot give that information to you, chances are they don't want you to know or they aren't sure themselves. This information should be readily available, easy to find, and you are entitled to it !
To say I am proud of my new flag pole with the American flag flying high above my house is a understatement. That flag means so much to me and the fact that I know it's a USA made product makes it even more special. That's how I feel about selling domestic, made in the USA rigging products. Knowing that I can provide a quality product to my customer that is traceable and properly marked and at the same time, support our domestic companies and manufacturers is very gratifying and makes me proud. I encourage you to ASK for domestic products if you can, I implore you to inquire about countries of origin and certification, I beg you to seek knowledge and learn about what you're buying. Your safety may depend on it !